Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

Chr¡jí. ptetschcd to the-Gostile,r. wrong our felves, and wrong the holy Angels for want ofFaith,and confideration of there things. AChriflian is a moreexcellent creature then he thinks of. It is neceffaryoftimes to thinke what agreat degree God bath rayfed us to in Iefue Chrift, that we have this glorious attendance a- boutus, where ever we are;oh it wouldmove us as I faid , to comfort, and to areverent:carriage,' and indeed when we carry our felves iáfherwife it is for want of minding, and beleeving there things : I have fpoken lomething themore of ir, becaufe we are firbje6t to neglr& this blef ed truth 3 therefore for the time to come, lot us take occalion to meditate oftner of -this Spring of comfort , then formerly, .wee have done. Pre,eched to the ;Gentiles, Chrift our bleffed Saviour , being the King ofhis Church, ir was not fuflicient that he was manifeffed in theflejb, and juffifieth in the Spirit, that is, declared by his divine power, tobe God, but he muff have his Nobles to acknowledge this too: Kings in their inaugurations, not onely make good rheirownc title, what they can them, felves, but they would havaeothers toacknow- ledge it ; therefore it is faid Ghrifl was feene of Angels , thofe noble , and glorious Crea- tures. But, t Chrift preach- ed to the Gen. tales.