Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

116 Cbriftpreacbed to the Gentiles. thattherebe aboxofointment,but the box mull beopened, that the whole houle may be filled With the fmcll. It is notfufíicient that therebe tapeflry, and glorious hangings', but there muff beanunfoldingof_them ; therefore there muff be a difpenfationof the myfleries ofChrifi: for thoughChrifi be Phyficke, he muff be applied, though Chrift be a garment, he mull be put on, thoughhe be a foundation, we muff build on him,or elfewe have nogood byhim ; though he in his truth be a treafure , yet he muff bedigged up in the miniftcry,thoughhe bea light,he mutt be held forth, though he be food, theremuff be anapplication,of neceffitie therefore there muff be a difpenfationof the Gofpell , as well as re- demption wrought by Chrift preached to the Gentiles. To unfold thepoint a little, feeing the necef- City ofit,to (hew, what it is topreach. What it if to. preach chrift. And, What it is to preach Chri ft to the Gentilex. To preach, To preach is toopen the myfferieofchrifi, to what. open whatfoever is in Chrift, to breake open the box,that the favour may be perceived ofall. To open Chriftsnatures, and perlon, what it is ; to open theoffices of Chrift firíf he was a Prophet to teach,wberefore he came into theworld ; then he wasa Pri.eft, offring the Sacrifice of himfelfe, and then after he had offred his Sacrifice, as a Prieff,th -n he wa s a King, he was more publike_ ly, and glorioufy knowne to be a King to rule : - _ after