Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

It 8 ` Chrift preached to the Gentiles: alluringof them, for topreach,istowooe, 'The Preachers are Paranymphi, the friendsofthe Bride - groome,that are to procure themarriage between Chrift and his Church: therefore, they are not onely to lay open the Riches ofthe Husband, Chrif};but lïkewife to intreat for a marriage,and toufe all thegifts and Farts chat God bath given them,tobringChriff and his Church together. And becaufe people are in acontrarie mate to Chrift ; topreach Chrifi, is even tobegin with the Law,todi fcover topeople theireffare bynature: a man can neverpreach the Gofpel,that makes not way for the Gofpel , by (hewing and convincing { people what they are, out of Chrift. Who will marry with Chrift , but thofe that know their ownebeggerieand miferie, out ofChrif} ? That he muff be had ofneceffitie, or elfe they dye in debts eternally ; he muff be had or elfe they are eternally miferable. Now,when people are con- vinced ofthis, then theymakeout of themfelves to Chrift. This therefore muff bedone,becaufe it is inorder that which makes way to the preach, big ofChrift ; for, thefullliemack del ifethanbony- combe: Who cares for Balme, that is not rick ? Who cares for Chrif},that fees not the neceffity of Chrifi ? Theforewe fee John Baptift came be fore Chriff,to make tray for Chrift, to level! the móuntaines, to calf downe what focver exalts it felfein man. He that is topreach, muff difcerne .`what mountaines therebe betrveene mens hearts and Chrift,and he muff labour tod.ifcover them - felves tothemfelves, and lay flat all' the. pride of me n Preachingof the Law.