To have a rig'..t elieeele OfGods Ordi- nance. `u;tion. An`iney Private Exer- cite, with con- tempt of pub- like, curled. Simile. Objeif. Chriji preached to the Gentiles. others, And fo, ifwe relapfe, and fall, let none defpaire : Peter, a great Teacher in the Church, ari Apoftle, fee how foulelyhe fell. Now ,when men fubje& to thefame inftrmities, (hail difcover the mercie ofGod ourof the Booke of God., it workes the more uponus. It is good for us tohave a right efteemeache Ordinances ofGod,becaufe theprophane heart of man doth thinke it needlcfTe matter. Some are ready to fay ; Cannot I as well ready privatly,athome?- Yes :. but the ufe ofprivate Exercifes with contempt ofthe publike,theÿhavea Curieupon them, inflead ofa BIeffing. It is with fuchmen as with thofe that gathered Mannah, when they 4hould nor; it ftanke : HathGod fet up an Or-. dinance for nothing ; for us ro defpifei Is not;e wifer,toknowwhat is gnod for us,betterthen we doe for our felves ? God accompanieshis Ordi- nance with the prefence- of.his ble.ffed Spirit. TheTruth readat.ho'iie,hathan efficacy;but the Truth unfolded, bath moreefficacy. As we fay of Milkewarmed , it is fitter for nourillimcnt; and the raine from Heaven hath a fatneffe with it, and a fpeciall influence, more thenother Ilan - ding waters : fo there is not that life, and opera, tion,and b'.efìng,thataccompaniesother means, thatdoth Prea :ping, being the ordinarie meanes, where it may be had. 1, but this-Ordinanceof God , Pretvhi(Y, is is only for the laving the foundation ofa Church; it is not fora Church,when it is buiic:thcn,o.thcr helper,