Chrifß preached to the Gentiles. helpes, or Prayer,and the like, without this,may fuïlice. Thofe that have filch conceits, they make Axfirer. themfelves wirer then the Spirit of God : in S. Paul, we fee in Ephef. 4. Chrift , whenhe afcended on EPhe/ 4 hi h he led captivitiecaptive he gavegifts to men, vtèofpreac6- g S fumeApoftles,fome Prophets, fonce Evangeliffs, fer the ing. edifyingand building upof the Church. So that this Ordinance it is neceffarìe for building up (till, and for theknitting of the members of Chrif} together Rill : Therefore , that is a vaine ex- cure. Oh, but what need much, larewould fer the ObjeEt, turne? Thus people grow to contetnne and defpife dnrrrer. this heavenly Mannab : but thofe that are ac- much p[eacha qualiltedwith their own infirmities,they thinke ing. it a *pipette to have plentie : for, naturallywe aredull, we are forgetful!, we areunmindfull; though we know, we doe not remember.; and though we remember; yet we doe not minde things : weare naturallyweake,and thereforewe need all-fpirituall fupports and helpes that may be, tokeep theveffell ofour foules inperpetual! good cafe : themore weheare, and know, thefit- ter we are fordoing, and fuffering ; our foules are fitter for communion with God, for all paWages bothoflifeanddeath : thereforewe cannot have toomuch care this way. Ob, let us therefore chufe Mariespart, the bet- ter part, thatwill never depart fromus, and take heed ofprophaneconceits in this kinds it is to K a the