Objetit. Avrrrer. Religion not eafilylcarncd. Chrifipreached to the Gentiles., the prejudice of ourfoules. Wernuf know,that whenfoever God Pets up an Ordinance, he ac- companies it with a fpeeiall blefling: And wee are not fo much to confider men in it but con- fider the Ord inance,whicb is his , and being his, there is a fpeciall bleffing goes with the difpen. fationoftheWord, by the Min iflerie. Others oblea , they know it well enough ; and therefore they need not to be taught. TheWord ofGod preached, it is not altoge- ther to teach us, but (theSpirit goingwith it) to worke grace, neceffarie to ffrengthen to in the inward man. And thole that fay they know it enough, deceive themfelves, they know it not: Religion is a Myfterie; and can it be learnedat the firit ? There.is no Myfierie, but it requires many yeeres to learne : ifit bebut a handy.craft, men -a ;e fix or leven yeeres learning it ; and is Religion, and the Myfteries and depths of it learned fo foone,thinkewee? There is a Myfterie inevery Grace, (in Repentance, in Faith, in Pa-. tience) that no man knowes, but hale that have the Graces, what belongs to thole Graces. Rd- li'gioncontfìs not in fo=ne parts , and abilities, to fpeake and conceive of thefe things ; and yet that is hardly learned,being contrarie toour na- ture having nofeedes of thefe things : even the outride ofReligion,that is thepreparative to the inward ; there isfornewhat todoe, tobring our hearts to thefethings. But then, Religion it felfe it isadeepe Myfterie, it requires a great dealeoflearning. Let