Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

1z,°6 e.lion. Anfwer. Chrilt the ob_ jeft ofpreach- Chrifipreaehed to the Gentiles. formeare favingly caft downe,and then ray fed up againe ; their lives are reformed, rheywalke in the light, they knorvwhither theygoe, they cal `give an account of what they hold : the fiate of thofe that live under the Ordinance of God, is incom- parably more lightf©me, and co iiföttable, and ; glorious, then thole that are in the darke, that want it. If we had no other argument, experi- ence is agood argument. Where doth Pòperie', and propbanenefre reignemolt ? In tholeplaces where this Ordinance of God is not fet up ; for Poperiecannot endure thebreathof the Got_ per. Thuswe fee the neceffitie'and benefit of, But then ( tì the next pace) this Preachingit muff be ofChriít ; Quilt mull beprcached. Butrnuif nothing bepreached but Chrift? Ianfwer, nothing but Chrift, or that thattends to Chrift. ifwepreach threarnings, it is tocart men downer that we may build them up; ifa Phyfrcian purge* is,thac he may give Cordials. whatfoever is donc inpre.eching,to humble men,it is to ray rtlmmupagaine in Chrift; all makes way for Chrift. When men are dejeted by the Law,we mu{t notleave them there,but raife them up againe : what-ever we preach, it is redudiee to chrift , that men may walke worthy of Chriff. Whenmen have beene taught Chri.Ft, theymutt be taught to-rralLe worthy of Chri(f, and of their, calling; that they may carry them felves fruitfully, and holìly,andconftantly,-everyway fumble for fo glorious a profeflion,as the profeífàon ofChri- 1 (t ian