Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

tz8 ChrifipreQchcd to the Gentiles. Chrift preach- ed to the Geri- tides, What cheG: rf- tiles. dunganddrop, its comparison oftheece lent righ- teoufneffe we have in Jefus Chrift. You must heare, and we mull preach all Christ, and onely Christ. S. Paul fayth, he wv.i jealous pith a holy jealoufie over thofc he taught : why ? Left saran fbvuld beguile them , and draw them fromChrif,to any other thing. Why is the Church of Rome foerroneo .rs ; but bccaufe Cure leavesClore*, and cleaves to ocher things ? Therefore we muff la- bour to keepe cbafte Galles toChrist ; and thofe that are truePreachers and AbaMburs,andMef fenger.r,thcymull be jealous witha holy jealouse over the people of God, that they looks to nothing bttt Chris. Christ 'mu fl ,b eprerrehed, Rot to vahc ilia To the Centil'es Here ¡yes the Myffejrie, that &brig whowas seoa fèfrM ehë fed t{k4pfrit,&c:fli uld bepreached to the Gentiles, Whar were the Geniilef? Before`Chrifts time, they were Dogges in Oar 'SI- iolit drifts cenfure; shaIll give the Childrens Dread to Doc es ? Befo-re Chrijis time,they fate in darl-nef/e, aed i z Ohsshadow ofdeath : )?foreChrifi.t rime, theywere the halt, and the lame, that He, the great Feàjt.maker, feat to bid come in : they were aliens from the Common,wealëh of Ifr:rel; without C'hrift,rrithotst God in theworld without God, be- : eaufe they were without Christ, Ir is not Lobe imagiined,in what rnifery thePooreGentileswere, before the eommingof Chrifi, except some few Proselytes, that jdyned themselves to the lerrifb Church