Curdpreached to the Gentiles. 12. 9 Church; for the Gentiles worfliipped Devils; What were all their gods,but Devils?Theywere under the Kingdome ofSaran, when the Gofpel carne to bepreached among them ;theywere tran- flated out oftheKingdome ofsatan,into the blef- fed andgloricueKingdomeof Chrifl, Coloff. r , Yet we fee here,notwithftanding they were fuch kind ofpeople, the Myfterieof the Gofpel ispreached to there, to the Gentiles. Itwas fucha Myfteric,as that S.Peterhimfelfe, although hewere acquainted with it, oft times by Chris`s`, and he might reade of it in the Pro- phets; yet notwith4tanding he was to be put in mind of it, AR. -ro. when he was togoc to Corne- liw, he faw a Vi/ion full ofBeafls , and a Voice Pay- ing, Kill,and ea. te : and indeed, the Gentiles were littlebetter then Beafts ; they were efteemed fo, before they had the Gofpel ; and thepreachingof it tothem, you fee it was a Myflerie to S. Peter him felfe. But,why did God fufferthe Gentiles to nalfein their oirnewaes? as the Apoftic faith, AR. 14. t 6. Why didheneglc : and over-looke the Gentile and fuffer themto goe on in theiroFonewaies,fo ma- ny thoufandyeeres before Chrifi came; were they not Gads creatures,as well as the loxes ? I anfwer ; this is a Myflerie, that God fhould fuller thofe wittiepeople, thatwere ofexcellent parts,togoc on in their ownerays. But therewas matter enough in themfelves ; we need notcall God to our Barre, to anfwer for him felfe ; they were malicious againfl the Light they knew; they Co 'rj(. r. ObfeFi. Aa.14.` 6' Why theGen- tilesBrayed to long.