tj0 Rom. t, Tu+uy. Tacitue. ObjeEl. A Dlyfieriein calling the Gentiles. Anfire Chrifl preached to the Gentiles. they imprifoned the light of nature that they had, as it is Rom. i , theywere unfaith full in that they had : therefore,befides that it is aMyflerìe, Godmay well beexcufed. Doe but looke to the judgement that fome ofthe Heathenshad ofdi- vine things,what reprobate and malicious judge- ments they had, how bafely they efteemedof the Imes? the terriJh Nation , fayth Tully, Phewhow God regards them , in that Elie bath beene over.. come fo oft by Nebuchadnezzar, and Pompe),&c. What a reafoningwas this? And that proud H iftorian Tacitus, how fcornfully dothhe fpeal;ze of Chrif'tians ? Ic is not to be imagined, the pride that was in the Heathens ag Thrill) ainfl the Religion,efpecially the ChriflianRc'ligion,how they fcorned and perfecuted it, in the beginning ofit. Soyou fee,in the beft of the Heathen men there was matter and ground of Gods Tuft con. demning ofthem:therefore we need not qNarrell with God againft that. But here is another Myfterie; Why theGen-1 tiles,being all alike naughr,God fhould leave the ; betterof theGentiles , and reveale Chri.$ to the worft ? Were not Socrates, andPlato, and filch like , moregoodly Moralifts then the Corinths, gt Ephefians?What kindofpeople were theCorin- thians ? A proud people Fornicators, Idolaters, as the Apoftle fayth fich were romeof jots ., here is a Myfterie. It is Gods foveraigntie, we muff let God doe what he will ; he will be mercifufl to whom he will bemercifull, and he will negleil whomhewill, fayth Auflip,