Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

Chatbsleeved on in the World. 14; therefore it lookes firft to him that wrought it, that is, Chrift. Now, the fume Faith that doth- this, it beleeves all Divine Truths, theThreat- nings,and Precepts, &c: Faith chufeth not its objeó , to beleeve what it lifts ; but itcarrycs the foule to all Divine Truths, revealed : but , when we fpeake ofjuftifying Faith ; then thrift and the Promifes, and the mercyofGod in Chrifi, is the firft thing that thefoule lookes unto. cbriLi is the fiat objeh of Faith, before any benefit or gift that we have from him ; firtt, we mutt receivec rriß`, beforewe4iaveanygrace, or favour, or ftrength fromhim : And a faaáified foule lookes firft to Chris, to the love of thrift, to the perfon ofChrift , and then to his goods and riches. As one that is marryed, fhe regards firfi the perfonofher Husband, and then lookes to the enjoyment ofhis goods, and inheritance, and Nobilities;or elfe it is nobetter then a Har- lots love. So Faith lookes to theperfon firft ; it knits us tochrif, tobe in love with, and to em- bracediirift; and then, it lookes toall thegood thingswe havebyhim:for he nevercomes alone, there is a world ofgood things in him; all that sends to grace andglory: yet it is the perronof Cbrift, that thefoule ofa Chriftian principally lookes to ; other DivineTruths are the object of Faith, todire&and foray our lives : yet notwith- ftanding theyare not the objeaofFaith, when sve Tooke forcomfort, for forgiveneffe of firmes, and reconciliationwith God ; then, it lookes to thrift efpecially, L 4 There- Faith look's fiatonChril pufon.,