Clirif>i beleervedon il the World. j45 We fee here Chrifl bileevedon in the world ; the World that was oppofite, that were enemies, that were under Satan.Who (hall dcfpaire then? Againft de. Therefore, let us conceive well ofChrif!. Why fpaire. was he rnanifefl in theßefh, and why is therean Or- dinance ofPreaching ? Wherefore isall this, but that hewould have us beleeve,.beour finnes what theywill ? Put the cafe, that therewere a world of finne inone man,that one n an wereaworld of naughtineffe;as in forme fen Ie,S.lamesfaith,rhere 'is a world of rrickedn.efle in the tongue; if in the -tongue,much more in the t .eirt, which is the fink ofwickedne(fe.: But put the. cafe, therewere a world of wickedneffe moue :man; what is this, to the fatisfSet ion of Godrnanifefl in theßefh, and to the'infinite 'love'òfGod,no.vpacified in Chrifl, looking upon us in the face of his beloved Sonne? You fee, here, Chri/t is lïekeved on in the world : Doc but confider what is meant by the world in Scripture, boy it is fet downe to be in an oppofite flats to Chriff ; and looke to the particular flare of the Gentile.?, that arePaid tobe theworld ; what wretched peoplewere the Corin, thians,before theybeleeved ; and.the Ephe/ianr, and the refi ? Let no man therefore defpa ire ; nor (as I fayd ConverÇionof before) let us not defpaireoftheconverfion of Savages. thofe that are Savages in other parts ; how bad never they be, they are ofthe world :and if the Gofpel be preached to them, chrift will bebelce -ved on in theworld;Chrifls Almightìe power goeth with his owne Ordinance, tomake itcffeéluall: fince