146 Simile. of the Tewes. Beleeving in Chtift, aMy- Retie. In refpea of theworld. Cri beleevedon in the World. fince the commingofChrifl, the World lyes be- foreChriff, as belovedofhim, forne in all Nati. ons. The Gofpel is like the Sea; what it lofeth in one place. itgaineth inanother : fothe Truth of God, ifit lofe in one part (if it be not re- fpeced) it gets in another, till it have gone over the whole World. Andwhen the fultaeffe ofthe Gentiles is come in,thcn comes theconverfion ofthe letves. Why may wenot expetî it ? They were the peopleof God. VVe fee ChríJít beleeved on in the world: wemay thereforeexpeet, that they (hall alto be called ; there beingmanyof them , and keeping their Nationdifiina from ethers . Now I (hail thew how this is a Myfieric;Geeat utheñtjterieof God/me/c, ChriJ# beleevedoninthe World: This is a great Myfterie to joyne there together; The world and Beleeving : it a1 a ©fl as great a Myfierie, as to joyne God and man to- gether ; aVirgin, and a Mother : to bringanVI beleeving rebellious heart (filch as is in theworld) and beleeving together, it is a great Myferie,in divers confïderations. Firfi,ifwe confider what the World was; an oppofre,and enemic to Chrift ; aed under his enemy, being (laves to Satan,being Idolaters, Rn lovewith their ow ne inventions, which men na- turally dote on. Here was thewonder of Gods love 'and mercy, that he fhould vouchfafe it to fuckwretches. We may fee by S. Pawls Epifiles, what kindofpeople they were, before they ern braced the Gofpel. Here was Gods wonJrous dig- _ '