Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

Cbrif beleeved on in the World, there was nothing tooppofe, therehe had todoe with liim,ple nothing ; but whenGod comes to make the heart beleeve, he findes oppofition and rebellion,he finds man againf} himfelfe, he finds the heart and confcìenceagainlì it felfe, he finds oppofition ftúnSatan, that helps mans diftruff- full heart; then all meet together,af lietions,the fenfe of Gods anger, and mans guiltie confci- ence : now to make fuch a man be/eeve, is more thentocreatea world: Ansl,as God (hewed more power,fo he fh ewed more mercy in theworke ofRedemption,then in the Creation. In the Creation,there hedidgood Adamwas createdgood, and he fbould (hadhe flood) have continued ina good conditiombutin theworkeofRedemption,God doth good to cvill men ; God rranfcends in his Jove, becaufe the gloryofhis mercie reignes in the worke of Redemption : fo that the power, and wifedome, and iuercie, being greater in the wozke of Redemption, ìt.requires a more fuper- natural power in the foule toapprehend this,then anyother Truth; as the workein Redemption is moreglorious, fo the Divine grace and vertue in the foule,that makes tire of this,(which is Faith) it trill fl be more excellent then all other Graces whatfoever. And as it muftbe God, that muff Lave and redeeme us,fo it muff beGod that muff pefwade the heart of this : as Chrift , who is God,muft performe the worke of Redemption; foit muftbeGod the Holy- Ghoft,that muff per, fwade the hearr,that God Ioves it fo much, and rayfe