Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

rya Ef4eeme, 4 Prevailing.' Chrill beleervedon in the World. they burned their Bookes. As Toone as a man belcevej iii Chrift,downe goe stheefteeme of the worid,and allworldly things whatfoever,becaufe he fees a higherexcellency in Chrift. The podre Gaoler, when he had mil-ufed the Apoftles, as, Tooneas hebrleeved, we fee how he neglects all, and makesa Feaft for them prefently. As (bone as Faith enters into the foule, there is a meane and bafe efteeme-of all things,and a high.efteerrie of (Thrift ; All it dung in compariTon ofchrifl: There is a change of the foule ; and an efteeme, that goes before that t;hange. We worke, as we efteeme as Toone as we believe, we efteeme Chrift ,and the things ofa better life, aboveall ocher things ; And thereupon goes the whole foule, and the bent of it, that way, (though with. fom`conflia.) We fee in theEpiftles ofSaint Paul, before thofe men bekevedin Chrift, the Ephe¡tans, the Colosans, the Romahei, &c. what wicked people theywere before, and hom they were changed, as footle as they beleeved, then they were Saints. Aga ine,whcre this Faith is,it is a triumphing, a conq:reri )g grace, a prevailing grace ; it over- comes the world, and whatfoever is oppofìte;. for, it lets before the foule greater things then . theworld can. The world prefents terrors ; what are thefe, to the glorie that Pallbe revealed z The world lets out pleafures,toallure us and profits, and favours.; and this , and that : but what are all thefe,ro the favour of God in Chrift ; what are they,to Heaven ? What can the world fet before the