Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

tás Chrifl received up in Glory: and fubduingofall that was contrarie to hisglo. ry : for,he wasabafed,and fuffered in the Garden, and died. But where thefe three are an exempti- on and freedome from all bafeneffe, and all tiat may diminifh reckoning and effimarion, and when there is afoundation oftrueexcellency and likewife,a fhining,a declaring .& breaking forth of that excellency; there is glory. Butchrifi,after he was manifefi in thefiefh, and had done the work here that bee had to doe , bee was received up to glory; that is,all bafcnefl'è was layd afide: hisglory appearing, all abafement did vanì1h ; he wasvi. 6torious over that : for, inhis Refurreaion, that was the frff degreeofhisglory; you know , the Clothes that hewas boundwith,were left in the Grave, the Stone was remoo -ed ; all rhing-s that might hinder his glory, that might aba(e'him in body,in foule,orcondìtibn,they were remooved: there was an excellency in all, that was or be- fore, in regard ofmanifefiaticn. For his Body, it was now impaffible, an immortall , fpirituàll Body, it could fuffer no longer ; it was not fed 1 with meatanddrink, as in the time ofhis abate, rnent; itwasaBody foagile,and fo nimble,that he could wove even as he would himfelfe: fo there was aglory put upon his Body, above the Sunne. There was a glory upon the Soule ; all that might hinder that, was fubdued ;- for, there was no furrow, no feare, norgriefe, as therewas in his Soule, before he was glorified: fo both in Body and Soule he was moreglorioto. And then for his whole condition, that was slot