Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

Chri recei'Pedup in Glory. 179 It is:aground, liics<witeof contentment inall c,onditions, whatfoeverourwatars be, NA.Fhat if wewanrcomfort; li.oiifcs, &c, -on -Earth ; when In Want. wehave Heaven provided for-xi -andGlory provi- ded' for as. ëarc Arad foglswiéici. inour' Head 4, Shall.not ányccarúlitioriicurraenra. Fnan in this world -, that .hathfilth agleriauscoñdition intheeyeofFaith- tcyrnt fl:ouldnot fó rtulc.has-loóíte comfort; onder TyrSa+vzlo.uii yroncler*iola b©nfefitrnvi ded for=me3 ircic thouiárii iállk.e:arria¡look e upóti: heaven ;,: as oun byline place r C I; rift, is gone beforc;.and.keepes a 4aorrie-,forus, Here we inawant çcsrtìfisttsr;We 41'411136t1.1? aft-Mtof houfe & hornç;®ta3irif habi'tadgimp nd E61311'4 rey,and all:, but all°rtve:wötld, àndfatt:ilie'Dcvls-: in hell , can'not'thruírüsooutiSflwavcn; trot diffolve andbreakéthe gotnitùh.wonftharis be-.. tweene Chrii<kandus;;rinilyrcarrrixit.take avvay>ei.; thergráce prglor(yTtom-tts; T'h'ereforc,we fhòuld be content witlfany+,condiiior;-; ,in-this world ; Chrift is afcencled;intoheavetsrtokeep ableffed conditionfOr trsi , =:i:31 Likewife tvhenweehiril:eof the troubles Of s this world , ofthe enérimies we.havehere; rhinite In troubles. of Chrift taketi up `tegl®rÿ w'and thinkeofChrifts order ; fir. hefitffi'red; and thenheentred into glory: fowe mu ft-he content to.fuifir firfi, and then bé- glorioiu. Weare .predeftinatc,to be comformable to Chrift ; wherein flandsour conformìtie ? It G,nfórrnitie is in abafement firfi', and then inglory r Chrift ÉÓ Chrili, entred intoglexyinthis order,and fhal we thinke wherein it l to