Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

6 In all ditcon- folations, he Pitticsus. receitvedup in Glory. tocome to Heaven in another order then cbriJJ did? Shall we with for a fevered condition from him ? Ifwebe inChriit, all that we fuffer in this world, theyare fufferings ofconformity tomake us finable toour Head, and to fit us for glory. And our greatefl abafements, what are they to the abafement ofChrifi ? None was ever fo low, and there is none fohigh : as he was the loweft in abafement, fo he is the higheft inglory : when he was at the loweft, in the Grave ; not ,onely dead, but under the kingdome andcommand of death; thenhe rofeglorioufly, and afcended. Our loweft abafements, are fore - runners of our ad. vancement, andglory : this affumptionof Chrifl toglsry,fhouldhelpe us in this refpec. In all difconfolations,there is a world ofcom- fort hence. Wemuft not thinke ofChrifi, as if his honours hadchanged his manners, (as it is among men) that now he is become flately, that hedoth not regard his poore Church. No fuch matter : he regards his poore Church now he is in Heaven,as much as he ever did. The members, here cannot fufferany thing, but the Head in Heaven is fenfible ofit : as it is,41Et.9.Saul, Saul why perfecutefi thott me ? The foot is trod upon, and the tongue complaines.Our blelled Saviour is not like Phdraoha unkind Butler, that forgat Iofeph, when himfelfewas out of prifon. Clrift beingadvanced to honour now, forgets us not here. No : he is as good Iofeph,that was fent into s 4gypt,to provide for allthe Family before-hand. So this ourlofeph, the great Steward of Heaven and