Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

Chrifi receiredup ixGlor,y. 1 and Earth,he is gonetoprovide for us all,againfl wecome to Heaven:he forgets us nor,he difdaine.r not to Tooke on things below,he confiderseverypoore Chriflian;he is as mercifuil now,as he was when he was upon Earth:as youhave it largelyproved, Heb. q.. 7. He was man for this cnd, that he might be amercifull High- Prie(t;and he is fo in Heaven,and pitties all our infirmities : it is n'}t here, Out of fight, out ofmind for (as 1 fayd) hebath us in his breafl :1, and he is with us,by his Spirit , to the end ofthe world. He is taken up to. Heaven in his Body, buthis Spirit (which is his generali Vicar) is here with us to the end ofthe world : I willfindyou the Comforter, a od hefhallabide alway withyou. And it is better for us to have theCom- forter here, without his bodily pretence ; then to have hisbodily prefence,withoutthe abundance ofhis Spirit :as it was better withthe Difciples, when he was taken up toHeaven,andwas prefent by his Spirit, then itwas before. We lofeno- thing thereforeby theafcenfion ofChrift ; it was for us : hewas given for trs,borne for us ; he lived for us,he died for us, he rofe, and afcended to Heaven for our good. it is goodforyou, that1goc ; it was to providea place for us , and to fend the Comforter : all was for our good , whatfoeverhe did, in hisabatement and exaltation. Againe,this adminifireth comfort,in regard of theaf11i&ions oftheChurch.When theChurch is under anyabafement, at the loweft , it bath a glorious Head in Heaven, and what, doth be fit there, anddonothing ? No : hefits at the right hand , t8t 7, TheSpiritfup- plyes CIstifts bodilyabfence. 7 In regard of the Churches affliftions.