Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

Chri Y eived up in Glory: __- handofGod,& rules, his Cluirch,even in themidit- 1 of his enemies. If he doe give the chaine to them,it is for fpeciall ends ; his people Eland in need of all that they endure, and he meafures it eaen to a Dram ,what beyer his Church faffers; for they are his members , and he is knfibleof their fufferings :He is a High - zrieit,trat irtourked' with our infirmities ; therefore nothing can befall his Church, without his government. He lets look the enemies thus far,and thenhe reftraines them , and fubduesand conquers them, making them hisfootfloole. The enemies kerne todomi- neerenow, and trampleon the Church, but ere long,they (hall become the Churches footflocle: Chrifiwill governe hisChurch, tillall hif enemies be under hisfeet. He is afcended intoHeaven for this purpofe, and he is fitting his Church by thefeaffliet ions for greater grace in this world, and for eternall glory in theworld tocome. Therefore,let us not take fcandall at the prefent fight of things.We flandamazed,to fee the five ofEurope at this time; but for our comfort,let us confider, that Chri/t is taken up to glory, and he fits in Heaven , and rules bis Church, and will guide all thefe'Narres to a good and gracious simile, end. He fits at the Sterne; the Ship may betof. fed where chrift fleepes , but it cannot be Brow. ned : the Houle that is built upon a Rock,it may be blowne upon, it fhall never be overthrowne: the Bufh wherein the fire is,it may burne, but it (hall never be confumed : the Church, wherein Chrift rules and governes , it may be toffed , it (hall.