Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

Chrifi receiTedup in Glory. S; (hall never beovercomeand fubdued.Nay,by all thefe things that the Church (uffers,ehriß rules, and exercileth his Churches graces,& mortifies hisChurches corruptions. It is neceffarie there fhould be forne change : (landing waters breed Frogges, and other bafe creatures ; fo it is with Chriftians : if there be not forneexercife byof fii (ions, what kind of vices grow ?. As we fee in thefe times ofpeace, what kind of lives molt men live; that we may take up an admiration, that God fhouldbe fomerciful!, to continue his Truth to acompanie of proud bale carnali per - fons,that lead lives (under theGol pel) nobetter then if theywere in Paganifre.Thereforewe can- not looke for any good, without further abafe- fement.Andcertainly,iftroublescome,we fhould manyofus be better thenwe are now affliaions would be fo farre fromdoing us harrne,that they would refine us : we (hall lofe nothing , but that thatdothushurt ; that, that we may well fpare ; that,that hinders our joy andcomfort. But, I fay, let us comfort our felves, in refpect oftheprefent (late of the Church : Chrift rules in the mid(l ofhisenemies,in themidfl ofcrofTes andperfecutions,not to free us alway from them, buthe rules,in turning them togood,in flrengrh- ning $t rxercifing our graces; and he rules in the midfl of his Church at this time, by turning h's enemies cruelty ro-the good ofthe ele&. As he ruled in the Ifraetfte', when he fuffered Pharaoh to goeon in the hardne(ie of his heart ; but he lead atime for Pharaoh'ruine : fo Chrift hath a time for Simile.. How Chrift rules in af- fliions.