Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

134 Chrifii received up in Glory. i for the petfecutors oftheChurch, as he had for all the ten perfecuting Emperours, that came to fearefull and bale ends. was there ev er ary an fierceagain/i God, andprofrered? fayth lob. Was there ever any, that let them(elves againfi the Church ofGod, and profpered ? No, No :It is with the Church, as it was with Chriil ; tohave looked on COO hanging and bleeding on the Crofrr,tohave feenhim groveling on the ground in theGarden men would be readie to takeof- fence : what ; he the Saviourof the world ? But flay and fee him in the Text afTumed to Glory, and then there would be no offence taken at chri¡i. So it is in the Church. You fee the Church fullers perfecution: but, lay one thing with another; fee the Church in Heaven, with the Head of theChurch ; fee the Church advan- ced,fee it inglory ere long; fee it refined, and fit- ted by fufferings, to comebetterout ofafflic`}i- ons then it went in; and then none will take feu- dal] at the aflli6l ions of the Church as they ought not at the abafement ofChrifi: f he was God man:fefi inweakefdefb,yet we feehe or,though cendedup inglory. ter, 30.7. There is acomfortable fpeech, lerem.3o. 7. h is even the time oflacobi trouble, but he fhallbedeli- veredout ofit. So we may fay,Ibis is the timeof the Churches troub'e , but the Church {hall be delivered out ofir. The enemies have their time to aflf is and trampleupon the Church,butchrifl", bath his time to trampleon them. Let us wait, andexpea with comfort,better times.The King. domes