Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

Chrift receiruedup in Glory. t 8 S domes of the world will be knowne to be the Lord'lefus Chrifh3 therewill be a further fub- jetion to Chrifts Kingdome, then ever there was lince the firft times when thefulnefl'eofthe Gentile,, and the converfion of the lame, fhall be. Lec us comfort our felves with the times to come ; Chrifi is in glory, and he will bring his Church to furtherglory, even in this world, beides eternall glory at the latter day. Rejoyce not over me oh mine enemie; for though 1 be fallen, yet fhah 1 rife. Let not the enemies of the Church infult over-much ; though the Church be fallen, yet fhe (hall rife againe after three dayes fayth the Prophet. Chrift, though he wereabafed as low as poffible he could be, yet after three dayes he arofe: fo the Church fhaIl rifeout ofher troubles after three dayes, that is, after a certaine time (that we know nor, bu t) the exa } time is onely in the hands of Chri.l ; but certainely, thereareglorious timesofthe Church comnaing. Confider the wonderfull love of Chrift , that would fufpend his glory fo long ; the glory of Heaven was due to him upon his Incarnation , by vertue ofthe union of his humane nature with the divine for, that nature that was uni- ted to the God-head it muff needs have right toglory, by that very union. What fhould hin- der , when it was fo neere to God , as tobe one Perfon, to be taken into the union ofthe Per- fon? Oh, but where had our falvation been° then, ifdrift had entred into glory upon his O In- Chrift for our fakes fufpen- ded his glory.