Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

186 The Church affhtled,why. C1rifl recei-vedup in Glory. Incarnation if he had not flied hts blood, if he had not beene aba :d to the death of the C:roffe ? Therefore the Setto')le-men fpeake well, he enjoyed the pretence ofGod aßet`iione yufiitie with the affe&ionof Tuflice, and all Vertues , that is , he was as gracious from the beginning, from his Incarnation, for matter of Grace, and love of all that is good ; yet not affeRione accomrodâ : There was ,a n`ere= nefhe to God in pleafure, and joy, and com- fort this he denyed himfelfe , till he was af- fumpted to glory after his Refarreetion ; and thishe did in love to us, that he might fuffer, and be abafed to worke Out our, Salvation: that redundance ofglory that (hould have beetle upon his Perlon , prefentlylupon the Union, it was flayed till his Reforreelion, that hemight accomplifh and fulfill our Salvation. What meccie and love was this ? So it is with the !Church ; it is glorivss,as it bath Unionwith kri `: I -, not the Church aglorious thing that is lo, n,.,ú tr Chrifi , that is Lord of Lords and King ofKings, the Ruler of' Heaven and Earth? What is the reafon, the Church is fo abafed then? If the Church were not abafed , it could not be conformed to Chrifi. Chrifi ( that he might worke our Salvation) he muff be aba- fed, and have fufpenfion and flopping of the ,.glory due to him, till the RefurrcElion : Ofne- eeffirie, we muff be conformed to Chrifi as farre as we may; and that we may be confor- med