Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

Chrif%receirved up in Glory. 187 med tohim, inabatement, and fuffering , there mull be a flop of our glory, till we be dead, and turned to duff t `until! we rife a'gaine, un- till Chriff core tb be rlori©u5 in his saints. If Chrifi (as I formerly fàyd ) had (hewed all his glory in his abatement hee could never have fuffered': the Devill hivnfelfe would have done himño'harm , there Had bcene no pre- tence ; the Pharifes would never have perfecu- ted him , and hated him , if they had feene him tohave beetle fuck .a perfon as he was : but he veiled hisglory, that he might Puffer. If the World did but fee the thoufand part of the glory that of due belongs to Chriftians, would they revile them, and difgrace, and maligne, and trample on them ? Certainely they would not. This is difcovered in Scripture; (but the 'World (todifcover their Atheifine, that they, beleeve not the Word ofGod) take nonotice ofit : And that the children of God may be conformed to their Head , and that way may be made to the malice ofwicked men, to trample upon them , they goe in the (nape ofmiferable men. Therefore , let us not be difcouraged for any abafement; wehave a glorious life hid with chrifi which {hall be revealed one day i in the mease time, in the midfl of abafetnent, let us beleeve Glory. And let me adde this, to the refi : As the fame Body wherein chrifi was fpit upon andmangled, and crucified, in the fame 0 a Body The: fame bo- dy that tuffers, !hall beglori- ous,