Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

r g $ I (hrgt receivedup in Glory. Body he role againe , and in the fame Body areer..ded into Heaven ; fo it fhall be with us: the faine body that fuffers any thing forChrifi, the famebody that dies,the fame Body (hall rife, and be afluined toglory. Ground of pa- Hence likewife we have a ground ofpati- nence in fuife- ring, ence in all ourfjufferings from another reafon, not from the order , but .from the certaintie of glory: Shall we not patiently fuffer, confide_ ring the glory that we (half certainely have ? .1f liiffer with him, wee fhall be glorified with him. Who will not be patient a while , that hath filch glory in his eye ? Therefore, let us looke upon the glory of Chrif1, in all our fuEferings whatfoever. What made Mofes , and all the Saints in all times to be fo patient ? They had an eye this way. What made Steven ( not onely patient, but) glorious? Hisfacefboneas the faceofan Angel ; he looked on lefus Chrift and faw him fitting at the right.hand of God, What made the Martyrs not onely patient, but tri- umphant in all their fufferings ? They had an eye of Faith, to fee Chrifl fitting in glory, and to fee. themfelves in Heaven , glorious in E Chrift ; and not onely to fee themfelves glori- ou.r in chrift but in themfelves afterwards: Wee are not onely . glorious in our Head, but we (hail be our felves where.he is, Taken.upin glory. Ground of And let it fl'.itre us up likewife , not to be coul hrifts 1nl aftarredofRe,i ton and to¡landout in good Chrißs caufc,j ksi caufes for chrifi , and the Church o He is not afhamed