Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

Chrifireceirved tip inGloo afhamed to be called our Brother; no, not after his Refurredion: G ce tell my brethren, I afcend to myFather , andyour Father. He was not ail-lamed °fir, when he began to be in the flare ofglory ; he is not afhamed ofour naturenow , to take it up into Heaven; he is not afhamed toowne us here, and at the Day ofJudgement to fet usat his right hand. And fhall we now for feare of men , for feare offlrame , for anybafe earthly re- fped , be a (Framed of our glorious Head ? Doe we beleeve , that we have a Head that is glorious in Heaven, fitting at the right handof God, that ere long will come to judge the quike and the dead; and fhall we be afhamed tohold out the profeffion of Religion, for a fcorne, for a word, for a frovvne ? Where is the spirit ofglory , the Spirit that fhouldbe in Chriflians , that hope tobeglorim ? He that isafbamedofme here (faith chyift) I will be afbarnedofhim at that great DA,. How can we thinke that Chriif will owne us,vvhen wewill not owne Religion here?When we areafhamed to ftand for him, (hallwe thinke to ftand at his right hand ? All bafe carnal:I A thei flicall fpirits, that are afraid of difgrace, ofd ifpleafure, ofloffe, ofany thingbut ofhim they fhould be afraidof ; let them know, there h no comfort for them in Chrifis exaltation For , if they had any communion with chrift he would infule anodiir manner of fpirit in- to them. Let us therefore ftand for Chriit we have a glorious Head, a glorious hope, a gloripta Inheritance.. ; And