Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

Igo Ground of .cncoutage . tncnt to good durits. Chriías afccn ding to glory, enforceth ho- Metre. Chrifi receirved up in Glory. And let us goeon.with incouragement, in good duties ,with a Spirit ofFaith : for,where. fore is Chrifi in Heaven, but to rule his Church by his Spirit; To leade captivitie captive, and to givegifts to men I Let as therefore goe on with confidence, that Chrift from Heaven will give us his Spirit, to fubdueour corruptions. He is in Heaven , to rule his Church ; and what is his Kingdome, but the- fubduing ofour fpirits by his Spirit, tobe morehumble, and more holy and gracious every way ? Let us not thinke , that our corruptions will be too hard for us, but goe on in a Spirit of Faith, That Chrifi, that dyed for us as a Priefi, he will rule us as a King; and, if we be true to our owne foules, we (hall have ftrength to faftaine us: he fits in Heaven, to rule us by his gracious Spirit. Let us not de±paire; thoughwe carry this and that corruption about us, we (hall by little and littleovercome all; he will lead captivitie captive, and overcome all in us,as be did in his own perfon: he that overcame forus,will overcome inus, if there be a Spiritof Faith to deperd uponhim. Againe,this Myfterie is a MyfterieorGodlinefe; it tendeth to anolenforceth godlineffé, and holim nee oflife, Chrifi received up toglory. You fee thenour,fiefh is in Heaven, Chrift hath taken into Heaven the pledge of our 'flefh, and givenus the pledgeofhis Spirit. It was a dignifyingofour nature, that God fhouldbemaniféft in ourfrjb; that, that was an abating tohim,as God,was an .honour to our nature; the Incarnation of CIAO it: