Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

elmarAMIle.13 Chrif2 receivedup inGlory. 191 I it was the beginningof his abatement, in regard ofhisGod-head,for the God-head to beclouded under flefh; but it wasa dignifying of the bu- mane nature, that it fhould be graffed into the fecond Perfon : And is it not a greater honour to our nature, that now inChrifi it is gone to Hea- ven, and is thereabove Angels ? Our nature in Chrif1, rules over all the world : And wherefore h all this ? As it is for wondrous comfort, fo for inftru¿ion, tocarry our felves anfwcrable toour dignitie. What r hath God takenour nature up- on him , to theunitie ofthe fecond Perlon and exalted and honoured, and enriched it ? Is he likewife gone to Heaven in our nature, and is there, above all Principalitiesand Powers; all the Angels in Heaven attend upon him : And (hall we debafeanddifhonour our nature , that is "fo exalted ? Let it worke upon us, tocarry our felves in a holy kind ofEfate. Shall wedefile our felveswith finfull courfes,&makeour felves ba- fer then the Earthwe tread on , worfe then any creature? (fora manwithout grace,is nextto the Devill in miferie, if God be not merciful' to him) If God have thus honoured our nature =, above all created excellency whatfoever,fhall not this flirre us up to a correfpondent carriage ? It isoft prefled by the A oílle,that wewalke worthy ofour calling. And, indeed, let us oft confider, to what great matters we are called; for, the lifeof Heaven it mull bebegun upon Earth : whofoever hath this hepe,to beglorious withCivil? in Heaven, itpurgeth him, it frames him tobe like the flare 04 he