Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

19 ; hxif. recéi¡vedup in Glory. he hopes for end'he thatbathnota care to füte and fit his Carriage an4 difpolicion to the hate he'beleeves,.it is an emptie hope,he deludes him_ felfe. Whofoever (hall beglorious with Chrift in Eleavren, isalfoglorious now, there is a"spirit ofGlo- ryre.FliAgwpm them, that is, Grace; Grace makes themgiorio`ùr. Thofe that hare not aSpirit ofGk. ry, that is, a Spirit ofGrace, to fafhion and con- forme them, in fome meafure , to be like Chrill, by littleand little . theyhave no right nor inter, eft the flare of Glory, that thall be revealed after. Is chrift taken up teglory, and for us, as well as for himfelfe, nhat'manner.ofmen ought ,veóbe Ì ix holy=corverfation? i?\/,e fhould keepe our fFltes: I unfloottedofthe wicked world. S"háll we-thtrrke to have communion and fellowqi ill with Chrifl in glory, when we m.ikezthe members ofthrift the rnen,., bers of Rarkt'? when we makeour to agues in- `,- flruments ofbfafphéming'God ,and chrijf ; asa- col-tpanyorvile.wretches, that will come to the Ordinan=cesofGod; andyet have not overcome their AtheifliëalI nature f'o.mueii, as to leave their fwearifg,ánd filth cöurfes? Doewe think tohave communion with Chriff inglory, and not get the viborieover:rhefe bafe courfes ? Doewe profcffe'our (elves tobe Chriflians, and live like Pagans? Nath God filch need ofpeople; to fill heavenwith,that he will have Inch uncleanepet- fòns ? Shall we "have fuch bare ncontgi is of hea- eff?No, beloved t there things mull be left, if ever (upon,good ground: jive will .enre.rtaine thoughts