Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

Chrifi receirvedup in Glory. 193 thoag5ts of fellow ¡hip in thisglory. There is a net?, Neaven ar'd a new Earth for thenew creature and onely for fuck.. Let us not delude our felves: there mutt be a correfpondcnce betweene, the Head ar,d the members, nor onely in glory, but in grace; and the conformitie in grace, is be- fore the conformit ie inglory. Will God over_ t.urnc his method?, , and order,. for our fakes ? No, No : all that come to Heaven ,,he guides them hy.his Spirit, ( here, in grace) and then he brings then to glory; He gives g are and glory, and no good thing Jball be rràntistg to them that leade a godly life : but fira grace , and then glory. Therefore, let not theDevill.abute us, nor our ovine falce hearts, to pretend a.fhare. in- this !glory, when we finde no change in our felves when we finde not fo much ftrength , a's toget the viiorie over the bafe and vile corruptions of theworld. The Apoflle, from-this ground, Ground of` inferres mortification of our earthly members:' mortification. 1 Tau are rifenwith Chriit your life is hid frith Chrift co!ff..3. in Gad ; and , roe are dead with Chrift : There. fore weought tomortifieall finfull lu fts. For, the foulebeing finite , it cannot be carryed.:up to there things,, that are ofa fpirituall, holy., and divineconfideration ; but it its love, and affe&ion, and care to earthly things, and finfull courfes, Therfore,let us never thinke that webeleeve thefe things indeed , unlefte.we finde adifpofitionby grace , tokilland fubdue all things that are contrarie to this condition.. Though