Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

194 Chrifts afcen- ding to glory, a ground of heavenly - mindcdnetíe. coloff.3, r. Chrif>l received up in glory. Though fomelvhat there will be inus,to humble us s or elfe why arc Precepts of Mortification given to them that were Saints al:eadie,but that there is fomewhat willdraw usdowne, toabafe us ? But this is no comfort to him that is not the childof God , that lives in ñlthie courfes,I that he might eafilycommand him felfe in; let him abandon the nameofa Chriftian,he hath no intereft to the comfort of this , that Chrifk is re- ceived :ip to glory. Againe, the Myfferie ofChrifts Glory it tends to godtineße in this refpeet, to ftirre usup to heaven. ly-mindedneffe. The Apoftledothdivinely force this in the fore-named place , co/off. 3. r. ifye 6e Onwith Chrit,feeke the things that are above. From our communion with Chriff,rifing and afcending into Heaven, and fitting there ing/ory,he forceth heavenly mindednef%;that our thoughts fhould be where our Glory is, whereour Head and Hut. band is : and certainely, there is nothing in the world more ftrong, to enforce an heavenly mind, then this ; to confiderwhere weare,in our Head. Chrifí, our Head and Husband, is taken up into glory ; there is our Inheritance, there are agreat manyofour fellowbrethren, there is our Coun- trey,there is our happinefFe. We are for Heaven, and not for this world : this is but a paffage to that glory, that Chrift bath taken up for us; and therefore, why fhould wehaveour minds grove hog hereupon the Earth ? Certainely ifwehave intereft in chrifi, who is inglory at the right hand ofcod, it is imroffible but our fouleswill be ray- fed