Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

Chrtf receirved up in GI ory. i95 fed roheaven in our affc Lions, before webe there in our bodies. All that are Chriftians, they are in heaven in their fpirit and converfarion before- hand ;ourheavy,duIl,earthly foules,being touch, ed by his Spirit, they will afcend up. The Iron, when it is touchedwith the Load (tone, (though it bean heavybody) it afcends up to the Load- ftone, it followes ir. The Sunne it drawes up vapours, that are heavy bodies of theinf.Ives. Chrift,.as the Load itone, being in Heaven, he bath an attra live force ro draw us up. There is not the earthlieft difpofition in the world, ifour hearts were as heavy as Iion, ifwe haveco nmu pion withChrift,.and haveour hearts once touche edby hisSpirit,he will draw us up,though ofour felves we be heavy and lumpifh. This medita- tion , that Chrift our Head is inglory, and that we . are in heaven in him, and that oer happineffe is there,itwill purge and refine us fromour earthly- neffe,and drawup our Iron heavycold hearts. It is an argument ofagreat dealeofAtheifine, and infidelitie inour hearts, (as indeed our bate nature is prone tofinkedowne, and tobecarryed away with prcfent things ) that profeffing tobe- leeve that thrift is rifen, and afcended into hea- ven,and that he is there for us5yctthat we fhould be plodding, and plotting altogether for the Earth as if there were no other heaven, as if therewereno happineffebut that which is tohe found below. There is nothing here, that can fatisfie the capacious natureofman ;therefore, we fhould nottea in any thinghere, confidering the. Simile. Argument of infidelitic .