Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

196 1 Chrifl received tip in Glom. ( the great thins that are referved for us ,w t r I Chrift ísinglorry, Therefore, when we find cut! r foules falling downe ofthem fèlves, or d avrrc Idownward (tobafe cares, and earthly co to nt- rnenrs) by any thinghere below ; let 'us labour i torayfe up our (elves with fuck medi tations: 4 Arnow not any more fruìtfull,then to co nfider the Iglorytocome,and thecertainetic of it Chriftis! taken into glory , not for him fel fe one ly , but fdr loF,n :' all his : for, where 1 am ( fayth he ) it is mywillthat; they be there alfo. Chrift fhould lofe his prayer, ifwe (Mould not follow him to Heaven : it is not onely his prayer, but his will ; and he is in Hea- ven ,tomake good his will. The.Wills ofmen maybe fat ftrate,becaufe they aredead ;but he I lives to make good hisownewill; andhis will is, `that we bewherehe is. Now, ifa man beleeve this , can he bebate and earthly-minded ? Cer- tainely, no ;Where osr treafore is, our heart' rrillbe therealto, by the rule of Chrift ; where the body is, the Eaglet mil refort: ifwe did make thefe things our trcafure , we would mount above earthly things ; there is nothing in the world would he fufficientforus,if wehad that eíteemeofC'hrift, and theglorywhere Chrift is, as welhould and might have. InRuencefrom and it is not only meditation ofthefe things, cknp,fur this dude, that will canine us to be heavenly-minded ; but Chrift, as a Headofinfluence in Heaven, con - veyes fpirituall life, todraw us up : whenI amaf- cended,Tmill drawallmen after me.There is a vertue fromChrift, that Both it; there is aneceífirieof the