Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

Chri¡l receivedup in Glory. thecaufe,and confequenée, aswell as ftrengthof reafon and equities there is an influence iffuing from thrift our Head, to make us fo indeed: therefore, thofe that are otherwife, they may thanke thernfelves. The belt of us (indeed}have caufe tobe abafed, that we betray our comfort, and the meanes that we have ofrayfing upour dead and dull hearts, for want ofmeditation. Let us but keepe this Faith in exercife, that Chrifl is in Heaven inglory and we in him are in Heaven as verily,as ifwe were there in ourper- fons (as we fhall be ere long) and then let us be uncomfortable,and bate, and earthly-minded, if we can. To conclude all : As the fouleofman is firtt finfull, and then fan&ified ; firf humble , and then rayfed : fo our meditations of thrift mutt be in this order; firf,thinke ofChrift,as abafed andcrucified: for,the firfi comfort that the foule bath, is in Chrifl mantffledin the flefh, before it come to receivedup intoglory. Therefore, ifwe would havecomportable thoughtsof this , Chrifi receivedup inglory, thtnke of him firft manifeftin theftefh. let us have recourfe in our thoughts to chrifl, in the Wombe ofthe Virgin ; to Chrifl borne, and lying in the Manger; going tip and downe,doing good; hungring and thirfling, fuf- feringin the Garden, fwearing water andblood, nayled on the Croffe, crying to his Father, my God, my God, why haft thouforfaken me ; finifking all upon the Croffe, lying three dayes in the Grave : have recourfe toChrifl thus abafed , and all 19' -I Order ofine ditationof Chrin.