Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

19 8 How to con- ' ceivc of (Thrift ! in the Sacra- ment. Chrifl receirvedup in glory, all for us, to expiate our fanne ; he obeyed God, to fatisfie for our difobedience. Oh, here w ill be comfortable thoughts for a wounded foule, pies cedwith the fence offänne, affaulted by Sa. tan : To thinke thus of Chrijt, abafed for our finnes ; and then to thinkeofhim taken up into glory. In theSacramcnt,our thoughts muft efpccially have recourfe , in the firft place, toCivilIs Body broken, and his blood fhed,as the Bread is bro. ken,and the Wine pouredout ; that we havebe. refit bychrifts abafement and fuffering, by fa. risfyinghis Fathers wrath, and reconcilingus to God. Then thinke ofChrift in Heaven appea. ring there for us,keeping that happinefie that he bathpurchafed by his death for us,and applying thebenefit of his death toour foules by his Spi- rit , which he is able to flied more abundantly, being in that high and holy place, Heaven ; for the Spirit was not given in that abundance, be- fore Chrift was afcended toglory, as it bath beeise fince. In this manner , and order, we (hall have comfortable thoughts of Chrift. To thinkeof hisgleryin the fiirft place,itwoulddazleour eyes, it would terrifie us, being fanners, thinke of hisglory, being now afcended : but when we thinke ofhim as defcended'firft,as he fayth,who is he that afcended, but he that de fendedfir .17 into the loverparts of the Earth? So, who is this that is taken up in glory ; is it not he that was ranifeft in our ftefb before ? This will be comfortable. Therefore, let us firft begin with Clorifts abafe- ment,