Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

Cbri7 received up in Glory. ment , and then we thall have comfortable thoughts ofhis exaltation. There points are very ufefull, being the maine grounds of Religion ; having an influence into our lives and conversations , above all others r other points havetheir life and vigour,and quicko ping from thefe grand My aeries which are the food ofthe foule. Therefore,let us oft feed our thoughts with there things ofChriffr abafement andglory, confidering him inboth, as a publike perron, the fecond' Adam , and our Suretie; and then feeour felves in him,and labour tohave ver. tue from him ,.fitting us in body and foule for fuch a condition. The very ferious meditation of thefe things, will put a glory upon our foules; and the beleeving of them, will transforme us from glory toglory. ** 19 Conclufion; FINIS.