Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

ANGELS ACCLAMATIONS. LUKE 2. 13, 14. Andfuddenly there was with the Angell, a multitude ofthe heavenly Hoff pullingG o n andfaying, Glory to G o n in thebigheft, andon earthpeace, Good will towardsmen. H EWordsare few, and preg- nant, very precious , having much excellency in a little quantity. The Heavens never opened but to great purpofe; , when Godopens his mouth , it 4. is for fome fpeciall end, and when the Angels appeared, it was upon force extraordinary occi= lion; This was the inofí glorious Apparition that ever was fetting afide that that was at chri¢ts Baptif, ine, when the Heavens opened, and the bather fpake, and the Holy-Ghoft ap- peared in the likeneff;ofa Dove, upon the head ofchrijt : when all the Trinity appeared ; but P 2 there *alb. 3.16. The Aopariti- on glorious.