4ngelt Apparition. Nowas before his birth, bee was revealed by Ch-rift re,ea- degrees ,fo after his incarnation, heewas revea- lea to ailíorci led toall lar ts, to .theold in sirmeon , to women in "Put, a ProphetefTe, towife men, and to filly fhephcards, to all ra.ndc3'ófmen_; and to whom- footer the incarnation ofGhrit was revealed, whenhe was borne theyallentertained it with joy. The Angels t}héy fang and praifed God ; Simeon was even,C.Qn,tept, then todyr?.andZgGhà- ry you fce'beforeh 'alrtfbreálkes forth ; Pleßedbee the Lord. GodofÍfrae&c, and the fhepherds went away rejoycing. There is a fpeciall paffage of divine providence ill the çarriageof this mani fellation,, fórr Chrijiyv4icveile4t,o ;thewifemen that were Gentiles,: byaStarre; becaufe they were given toftarre-gazing, he was difcovered to the fhepberds by the apparition of Angels : The Scribes that wereconvetfart in Scripture, they found it out by torching the Scriptures:, ,God applies himfelfe to every mans condi- tion. Andfrcddenly theremacs frith the ii;agel a multitude,&c, You fee here,how ever Chrifi lay in the Cratch, Beatles of in theManger ; yet notcvithiland ing there were Chi-Ms Divini- fome'cite=fiances that (hewed thegreatreffe cy inhis abate,- ()this perfon, that he was no ordinaryperfon; me he lay in the Cratch indeed, but the wife men came and adored him, andhe, appeared to the fhepherds , poOre men, Vet natwithilanding, P 3 here k