Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

Di*Eonof d cwords. The apparitit Ono ,God refpe8s no callings. The Angels appears to them in their callings. 'Angels Apparition. here isan fteifi'dAngels that praifehim fo likcwife ät his death , he converted the good. Thiele,and Ihadowed the Sun it felfe , and then he glorioufly rofe agaìne ; fo that there were forne beanies of his divine nature that brake forth in all his abafements,we fee here an, appa- rition of Angels. In the words confider thefe things. Here is firft ofall;, an,apparitiOn of'heavenly Angels.' And then theircelebration ofchrifbi birth. r The apparition; Andfuddenly there was with the Angel,a multitude of theheavenly Hoff:_ The celebrationofit,praifngGodandlaying;; The matter of the celebration, and prqing: God, Glory toGod in the higheff 1r+ earth peace, Good will toward i men, I (hail efpecìally ftandupon thofewords , but fomewhat isto be touched concerning the appa- rition.of theft Angels.. The circumifances of their apparition; they appeare topoore Shepherds. Goixeffeds no callings. Hewillconfound the prideof men, that fet fo much by that, that God fo little refl. ens, andto . comfort amen in all conditions. Againe , the Angels appeared to them in the mrddeft of their bufneff., and callings; and in. deed Gods people, as Mofes, and others, have had the fweetell entercourfe with .God in their affaires,.