Ive ls called an Heft, why. affaires ; andoft times it is the fitreftway tohin - der Satac s temptations, and to take him off, to be Employed inbufineffe, rather then to firuggle with temptations., wennauy times meet with comfort in our bufineff in our callings, that without it in ¡peculation, and otherwife , wee fhould never have. And then they appeared to them inthe night. Goddifeavers!limplfein Ikenight ofaelrWon. Our fweeteft and ftrongefi comfortsare in our God sppesres greatefi miferies: Gods children find light in inchanightof darkenefl'e, nay Godbrings light out of darke- at `tioi neffe it felfe, we fee the circumftances then of this apparition. He calls tiefe Angels aheavenlyHoff, in di. vets relpeers, ofpecially in there .; An Hoff fOr number, here are a number fet For.aumfer down. A multitude, is diftinet froman Hof}, but in that they are an Hof}, they areAt mralt- rude, as in Dan, 7. ro. Ten thaufand times ten thou- ern 7.10. fand ,Angels attend upon God. And foRev. 5. r r. Rev;. I. There are aworld of4Prgels about the Church ; in Hcb.12.32. We arecome tohave communion Web. ri s, , with an inumerable con p.sny ofAngels: be lets not downeithe number, and here appeares a multi. tude of Ángels, Worldly fottifh men that live herebelow,they thinke there is no other ftatcaf things then they fee, theyareonlytakenup with fence,andpleafures,andgoodly flews ofthings; alas, poore foules, there is another mannerof Rate, and frameofthings, if they bad fpirituall eyes to fee theglory of God, and ofChrif our P 4 Saviour Tbefe Ä!e1, cilia an Holt.,