Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

THEFOU1`ITAI1`IE OPENED. O R, The e,`14Verieofgodlinefé REVEALED. j TIMOTHY 3. I6. And without Controverjie , Great is the Myfterie of Godlinefe. Gedmanifef ed in theßefh. lufiiftedin theSpirit. Seene ofAngels. Preachedunto the Gentiles.. 73elecvedon in the world. Received up toglorie. ,J'hiipC.,ue, ,.Li;. 61 . I HERE are two things that Cod . values more then all the World befides; the Church and the Truth : the Church, that is the Pillar andgroundof Truth , as it is in the former Verfe s the Truth of Religion, that is *the There° Seedofthe Church. Now theblefied. Apoftle tlie.words., S. Paul being to furnifh his Scholar Timorhie to B. the