Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

z 6 2. For Order. .fuguft.. For`cQrefent, lkefl'lihltar Rrifr; phy:_ Say iòiar, añOfrcÌr atte'n' áiitstii"eio, ail=ltoít ;a tbillticude`df'liàven`lÿ Agtl`é.l"s: AnHdfilïkéwifè implies order, Or elfe iCii'a rout', notan 1 1 ft or Armiÿ ;,Céd is theod isj'b "r'_ der;not ofr.orr.tii,ion: li' yoù;wóuld lee difordér,;.6-e-: to hell ;fttrelydïtòrdéred places,andcäcnpanies; are rather hells, then any thingelk, nay in fome re(peas 4qpfk F fóiiIFere isa ktndof "order even among thèkaer i,s themfelvesAéÿ;, jóyli to,ether to def}roy the Church, and the members there- of, 1 note t'h4`by the way; herewas an Hof} of Angels, th`atts,'they are anorderly cgmpany ; what thátil'rtet iaronfeffewithS., ".?ús`t'n, is undetermined in Scripture, we mnfEfnoÈtáñily prefurne to looltc fr]`tO thefe thing's. Againe here is ebñf'ent at}HoAlf -nf to-: get her in pral tt ói.tát ta ÿó on tg n 3' . J ) `i Pä t C: fur it is a heáv:ti 6 ç, , wheá'om pany of Chriftians led itlt one `liirit.fl`iáli joyne in one oeorke to praifè Gdd, to hèlpe one ano-. tlier in fotner fptrituall Way when `they meet to- gcthet tói4aetfe Word',':and to,p;ayt God'î all with òitécöitafent, "their prayers meet in hca= ven. Chri(Ecö :xi mends union,and confen t : where trro or three aremet together inmy r,ari:e I mill be in the sniddeIf'ofthem , andmhatfocver thy or threePal' a.rke iñ my rranze,ifthey agreeÇifthere be no jarring; nor Echifn3ë')nor breach among them) l rriYgrant it; Agree:befit ?iii in good, is a notable refemblarce j ofthat glorious conditiotilvcafliall enjoy in héa- 'e'en:, this multitudeof Angels , they all agree. With o:Leconfenio An