Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

../1.i;gelscilicd'ztn,Hö why. Anifotf of"Angels, it thewes likewife their 4 irt;ployment; an Hof$ is-for defence or offence, For ;mploy- that is the imployment of Angels here belów Retit. elpccially_, fbtithedeferte.ofthe Church, and for the ofehceditheënetiés 'ofthe .Chutch It isa great com'ffórt to the Church , and children of God; The Church is in the middeff ofdivels sere, .wee arekali ftrángerc in theway toheaven; wee live iti tip rniddeil of 1 'evils -; and 'Devils incarnate,' devíllith minded men, that are led with the fpirit>of tie Devil', but here is out corn-fort ; wee'have a multitude, an Holt of An- g l, whörfdoffi'ee'is todefend the church, and t&bffend'-thVenent és oftheChurch, is wee fee in Scripttife AgaineanI- affimplyes f rength, we"have a itrovgarrifon;andguard,pveare Kings in Chri/i, F©rftrength; s hai eheedOfguard, and God bath ap- po3YYt&l ors °a 'ftrorig guard', a guard ofAngels, Angels feverally are ftrong creatures ,we fee one ofthem detlroycd all the fir borne-inEgypt, one of them deftroyed the Hoff of senacherib the AJs'yrian in onen ght':I lone Angell deftroyed a whole Hoff, confi flingofmany thoufands,what can a multitude of heavenly Angels doe? Yet 1 all are for the fervike ofchrif4,and ofhis Church; thefe and fuck like obfervatiois we may gather- hence, that they are faid to be an Hof''. of An- gels. Beloved ; we have needoffuck com forts , and Guard ofAn- geb1elseomfor. let it not fee:ne flight unto cis to beare of Art ca gels,becaufewe fee them note It is a thing for- gotten