Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

:03 Why Goa utrth mi- nittciy of An- gciL ,Angels called an Haff, why. gottenofus, toomuch , whyarewe focold , and deac,and dull , and dìfirufifuIi in dangers ? wee forget our itrength and comfort thisway.'fhere is now at this urne an earthly Hoft againft the Church, men led with antichriftian fpirits; Let us comfort our Pelves, we have at heavenly Hott withus, as Elizeue Paid to his fervant, there are werewith u, then againf! tn. If God fee it good, this oupvard Hoff ofHeaven,the Sun,the Moon, and Starres, bee can make them fight for his Church , as hi Sifen s cafe. But tf:ere is another Hoft,that fee the face of God, that is, that ob. ferve, and wait on his will, and command, wee have an heavenly Hoft within theheavens; that having a command fromGod, can comedówne quickly, for the defence of the Church, and for every particular Chriftian,notonelyone Angell, that is but an opinion that every one bath his Angell, but evenas God fees good, one or two, or more, a multitude,an Hoft ofAngels. Godufeth Angels, not for anydeíeâ ofpow. er in himfelfe todoe things that hee mutt have fuch an Hoff butfor the further demonftration ofhis goodnefï'e . he is fo diffufive in goodneffe, he Will have a multitude ofcreatures, that they may be a mtanes to diffufe his goodneffe, An- gels to the Church, and the Church toothers, it is for the fpreadingofhis goodncffe, for bee is all in all in himfelfe. Let it take impreffion in us, that we have fuch glorious creatures for our ft: rvice. We fee here this Hoft of heavenly Angels, they