Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

..?noels called an Hoff, refry. 209 theyattend upon theLord of Hoftsat hisbirth: Angels attend for chriit' is the Creatoro ` Angels the Lordof w hntl, birth, i them,.notonely as God, but as Mediator, As y' God, he is the Creator of Angels, as Mediator, bee is the head of Angels, Col. I. 16. It was fit ceto. r tg: therefore, thatan Hoft of Angels fhould attend upon the Lords of Angels. itwas for the honour cifChrifI. Godwould let the world know,. ( al- though they heeded it not, there was no fuch thought in ./iuguffsu Court at that time) that there was an excellent glorious perfon, borne into the world, God himfelfe Cooke our na- ture,, Chrift, Emanuel, though he were negle- fled of the world, and faine to lye in .a manger; yet God tookebetternotice ofhim then fó, hea- ven woke notice of him when earth regarded him not : therefore God, to fhew that he had an- other manner ofref peft,and regard-to Chrift,then the world had, he fends a multitude, an Hoft of heavenly Angels, to clebratepthe nativityof Chriff. There is much folemnity at thebirth ofPrin- ces, and'God that is the King of Kings, and LordofLords, he makesa folemnity likewi fe at the birth ofhis Sonne, the efeateft folemnity that ever was, an Hoff ofheavenly Angels, but tiefe thingsI doe but touch. Andfiadenly there mo,ó'z. Suddenly, in an ucperceivable tune, yetin Angelsappaa. time, for there is nomotion in amoment', no ritionfuddin. creature movesfrom place toplace in a moment, God is everywhere : Suddenly,it notonly fhewes _ tt- . us