21 o "bagels called anHeI, why. Tetrour a. lntpFe. a For éurcòins fort. The end of this appaciti- on, in refpeft of men. us fotnwhat exemplary from the quick difpatch of the Angels in their bulineffe , wepray toGod in the Lords prayer, Thy wiYbe done on earth,.au it tit inheaven,e at is, willingly,feddenly,cheercfully. But al to it ferves for comfort, ifwe beinany fudden danger, God can difpatchan Angell a multitude of Angels to encampe about us fsd- denly, therefore though the danger be prefent,& the Deviii k refent,and devilifh mindedmen pre- rent to hurt us, God hash amult tude,anHoff of Angels as préient CO defend us; nay as himfelfe is everywhere, fo in themiddeft ofhis Church, he is prefent more their Angels can be, he is not onely among us, but he is inus by his Spirit, to comfort and ftrengthenus, therefore let us (titre up the Spirit of God in usinall difcuities,and dangers whatfoever, confidering we have fuch grounds of comfort everyway. What is the ufe, and endof this glorious apd parition, in regardof the poore f1epherds, to confirme their faith, and in themours, for ifone or twowitneffes confirme a thing, what (hall a multitude doe ? Ifone or two men confirme a truth, much morean Flog of heavenly:Angels. Therefore it is bare infidelity to call, this inqae. ftion, that is confirmed by a multitudçof,a1,97 gelsaand to comfort them bkew11e in thisJA-p ration we fee by.thew.ay, that for one Chrifti a.n toct nfirme, andcomfort another, it is the worke of an Angell, an Anelicall worke, for one man todifcoutage another, it is the worke ofa Devil" . When Chrif was inhis,agony, the Angels Mut.uall com- fort from Chrißian , a worke Ange- heal!.