.19ngels called an Ho why: 2. 11 Angels appeared tocomfort Maim , wee may take notice how willing, and ready there glorious Spirits were to attend upon our bleffed Saviour Zeftu Chrifi in all the paffages from his Incar- nation to his glory, we fee they appeared here at his Incarnation they minifired unto hirn after his temptation, at his Refurrc ion, then they were ready to attend him, and at his Afcenfion, they were ready then, but oh the welcome, when he entred into Heaven ! Therewas the glorious imbracings, when all the Hofi of heaven en tertained him at his Afcenfìon : In the garden ( as I laid) they comforted him; let us imitare them in this blefledworke, if there be any indi, {belle that need comfort, and confirmation : we love examples of great noted perlons , here you havean exampleabove your felves,the cxamp!eof Angels, who to confirmeand comfort the l-oore Shepherds, appeare in anhof ,a multitude ofhea- venly Angels. The Angels , as they attend upon Chrifl,fo for his fake,they attend upon us too,for he is that Jacobs Ladder Jacobi Ladder youknow flood upon the earth, but it reached toHeaven, and the Angels went up and down upon theLad- der, that is it is Chrift that knits heaven and earth together, God and man, and the Angels byChri.r7, have communion and fellow(hip with us, as I noted out ofthe place, lieb. 12. 22, wee are come to aninnumerable companyofAngels ; fo that they attend upon us for (Thrifts fake, whore members we are, they attend upon CGrifl my call, as well as Chrifi naturall : For they are mini- flering Angels attend upon the Church. Heb. t z, zs.