Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

2. 12 Heb. T. ,Angels called an H©fO, why. firing Spirits for thefakes ofthem that Pal befined , tieb. i. And therefore in our childhood, and tender yeeres, they have the cuflodyofits com- mitted to them as Chaff faith , Their Angels behold the face of , and in our dangers, they pitch their Tents about us, and at our death, they carry our foules to the place of happineffe, as they carrycd Lazarus foule into Abrahams boforne, and at the refurretión they (ball gather our dead bodies together fo that as they never left our bleffed Saviour from his birth to his Afcenfion fo they alwayes ate tend upon his members, his Spoufe, for his fake we have communionwith the bleffed An gels. Thefe things maybeof fomeufe , but it is not that I mainly intend : thus much for the Apparition. } Now thecelebration is, a Multitudsoftheliea 1 he celebrati. venly Ho/t, praifing God. loy how tobe Thewordliignifies finging, as well as praife, imployed. it implies praife expref'fed in that manner, and indeed praiftng God it is the bcft expreffion of the affe&ionof joy. The Angels were joyfull at the birth ofChriff their Lord. joy is noway betterexpreffed , then in praifng God, and it is pitty that fuch a tweet affeEtion as Joy ,fhould runne in any other fireame, if it were pofïible, than thepraifingofGod. Godhath planted this af- feét on of joy in the creature, and it is fit bee fhould reape the fruit ofhis garden, it is pitty a cleare fireame fhould run into a puddle, it (hould rather runne into a garden, and fo f6veet