4agels called an boll, why. fweet and excellent affe6tion as Joy,it Ys pirty it fhould be imployed otherwife, then inpraifing God, and doinggood to men. They exprefle their joy in a futableexpref`ion in praifng God; the fweeteft affe&ion in man, fhould have the fwecteft imploymenr, the fwec- tefl imployment that joy can have, is to be in- larged in love, to praifeGod, and for Gods fake to doe good to others. See here thepure natureof Angel,;, theypraife ! he pure na ttlrr c+f An Godforus,wehave more good by the Ir carnation gels wttttout ofChrifl, then they have, yet notwithitai ding en"' filch is their humility, that they come dowse with great delight from heaven, and praife,and glorifie God, for the birth ofChris`l ; who is not theirs, but our Redeemer. Some ftrength they have, there is no creature but bath force good by the Incarnation of Chrifi', to the Angels themfelves,yet however theyhave Come flrength from Chrift in the increafe of the number of the . Church,yet he is not the Redeemer ofAngefs,in force fort he is theheadof Angels, but he is our Redeemer ; Towa child is born., to wa Bonne isgi- Efay9. 6. vets. And yet fee, their nature is fo pure, and fo cleare fromenvie, and pride , that theyeven glo. rifle God, forthegoodneffefhcwed tous,meaner creatures then themfelves,and they envienot us, though we be advanced by 'the Incarnation of Chrifl,to ahigher place then they: For (beloved) the very Angels have not filch affinity tochrifi in this, as wee, theyare not the Spoufe ofchrifd, they makenot upmyfhicall chrift, the Church doth, 253